Last Night

Last Night 

I dreamt I'd lost 
my textbook which was 
a library 
book that since I was 
using it 
in the library I had 
essentially lost it 
in the library, 
so I frantically 
all the library tables 
where some of my 
were still seated, 
but I don't know 
where my tutor 
had gone, 
and I'm sure s/he'd have 
helped me
look for the book 
(if around)
but didn't —therefore I 
all alone like a nut, 
and when I awoke 
my right 
eyelid was swollen 
almost shut 
like a spider bit me 
or something else… 

I dreamt I was in class 
with Kim Jung Un, 
but I was older than 
him and I, some kind 
of a teaching 
assistant or something, 
and I grabbed Kim 
by the shoulders 
(which even in the 
dream I knew 
was a dumb thing 
to do) and yelled, 
"Stop!" in his face, 
then looked 
around the room, 
gestured as though 
my forthcoming pronoun-
cement would encompass 
him and all his Korean 
classmates, and I said, 
"The world has changed,— 
you can be anything you 
want to be in life just as I,
just like me when I
was growing up," snapped 
awake, thought, wow, my 
dream just revived my 
dead belief in the America 
dream— I'm such a dope!


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