To the Rescue

To the Rescue 

          Hi, hi hi   ohai! 
                    I'm Andy Influencer
          eternal protege, personal 
assistant, fixer fir teh Stars! 

When it gets complicated, 
I handle your salary, pension, 
retirement accounts, Medicare, 
SSA benefits— I take it all onboard 
so you don't have to! 

          I'll even help you find a job! 
Or two!

When you need to prune 
your entourage, I'm right there 
to make impossible decisions 
so you don't have to: YDHT,

your new Jehovah!   YDHT! 
I'll tap yr savings, so YDHT!

You might ask, "Andy, why spend 
time with me, a b-list actor, when 
you, Andy, could be developing 
new stars or ushering old stars 
to their box seats at HeavenGate." 

Why? Why? Well, I also dabble 
in prophecy! 
Yes, and you seem —60/40 —to be 
a good bet! 

Plus, do you want to personally 
book yr accounts, yr investments, 
mortgages, credit cards, loans, 
titles, deeds, insurance, taxes, 
usernames, passwords, —last but.
Not least —yr testament/will/whatevs. 

A lifetime of heartache! but. 


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