Who's askin'?

Who's askin'? 

Who wants to know?     <whois> 
     Tastes like a simulation
     "He said he was Pan, but.
I think he was just a bad man."  

          Who can you teach me 
to fish,—     fishers of fish? 
Marketplace has the hosts 
     with the SNL voices.  

     Sounds like a simulation 
Pretend ur students r motivated! 
     Future GAAP says Honor  
books as intangible like Goodwill. 

     "I can see all the things, 
things on my kitchen counter." 
Jesus made miracle magic, 
     so who couldn't save John? 

The convention, the standard has 
been arrived at through tradition, 
Dr Who?  The Creator?     <finger>
          Feels like a simulation

tradition     <whoami>     aided 
by ordinary, accepted practice 
     measured by instruments, 
using credentialed observers, 

over peanut butter & jelly.
     Smells like a simulation 
          You remember who added 
strawberries to the preserves… 

     Who can pretend heaven is 
a place on earth, but dusty dust 
          ain't grow nothin' 'cept 
ghostberries & busted playlands. 

          Looks like a simulation 
Eyes who wander among palms—
     Dozens of hikers become ill
during trips to AZ waterfalls 

     —Tiny, red sentient beings,
     Oi, me chakras r burning! 
Przewalski's horses return to Kazakhstan steppes after 200

     —let's be careful out there. 
Who hasn't printed things in awe?  
          Whose typewriter kills
theists? "Who, who, who shot John?"


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